About Emayian

The pastoralist communities by nature have largely lived their lives by rotating around pastures and water for their livestock which is their main source of livelihoods. The Maasai community who occupy over160,000 square kilometers of land within the East African region, has a population of approximately two million people (1.2m in Kenya and 800,000 in Tanzania) moving across the region in search of water and pastures for their livestock. However, this movement has been curtailed by the laws and regulation of different nations and defined international boundaries.


Our primary goal is to foster sustainable and equitable development by helping communities identify their development needs and matching them with available resources.

Our vision is to see a society that is just, democratic and equitable in which all people have the right to a life of dignity.


  1. Equity for all
  2. Working with the poor
  3. Accountability and Transparency
  4. Social justice
  5. Sustainable development
  6. Strategic partnerships


  1. Equity for all
  2. Working with the poor
  3. Accountability and Transparency
  4. Social justice
  5. Sustainable development
  6. Strategic partnerships

Our mission is to work with the poor and vulnerable groups of people to eradicate poverty through dealing with factors that cause it and liberating people from its devastating effects.